Icy Weather Increases Likelihood of Dangerous Slips and Falls
February 20,2024
Kentucky's winters can be beautiful when snow covers the landscape, but snow and icy weather bring hazards as well. Trip and fall accidents increase greatly during icy conditions, as people fall while attempting to navigate slippery sidewalks, parking lots, and other outdoor spaces. A recent Canadian study shows that 30 percent of older adult have at least one fall each year, and nearly 25 percent of falls cause serious i...
Increased Injuries in Colder Weather
March 08,2017
Winter's not over yet, and while here in Kentucky we aren't pummeled with 6 months of snow and ice like our neighbors to the north, the mountain areas can get brutal. We are no strangers to closed roadways, icy roads and sidewalks, and overall dangerous winter conditions. Throughout the winter months, slippery conditions make it increasingly likely for people of all ages to fall at work, in their neighborhoods, and in par...
Scalding Injuries of Children in Apartment Complexes
January 09,2017
To protect people from scalding, the Federal Government has implemented regulations regarding the appropriate temperature delivered from the tap. The maximums vary slightly, depending on the regulator and who is accessing the hot water. In most cases, the top temperature is 120 degrees Fahrenheit. However, these top temperatures are lower for some populations. For example, the Uniform Federal Accessibility Standard (UFAS) ...
Candle Safety: Hot Property
December 13,2014
Whether for ambiance, scent, or religious ceremony, candles are ever-present this time of year. While you're making merry and enjoying time with your family and friends, position any open flame with care. Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and New Year's Day are the top days of the year to experience a home candle fire, according to data compiled in a report by the National Fire Protection Association. This is most likely due...